Month: February 2008

  • Single Spacing is Un-American

    Single Spacing is Un-American Recently, my boss told me to stop using two spaces after a period. I’ve heard this before but felt that it was just a passing whim of language. Much like the saying “Cool beans,” which has thankfully passed. Mr. Bossman explained that a computer is not a typewriter and that proportional fonts – as opposed…

  • Quick Post – The New Chevy Malibu

    My buddy Skip ( onefaller ) and I were talking about American cars tonight.  The main topic was how most American cars have a patina of crappiness and that they are utterly lacking in design.  However, I think that the new Chevy Malibu is quite attractive. And how could I not?  The shifter surround looks…

  • The Great Resume Challenge

    The Great Resume Challenge  Writing a resume is one of the most difficult things you will do in your professional career.  Not only do you have to remember what it is you have done over the course of employment at a company, you also have to express this to someone you’ve never met.  Though that doesn’t…

  • Back in the game… sorta.

    Hello to anyone that notices this, I’ve decided to try to be more diligent than I have been with this blog.  That would mean making more than one post per year.  I think I can hit that target, but I shouldn’t rush into anything. What has kept me away from writing more contrarian articles on this here LiveJournal thing?  I…