Month: June 2014

  • Doctor Who Doctor Review: Colin Baker

    Oh Colin Baker, who’s fault are you? I had wondered before starting in with his episodes if I would agree with the common wisdom that he’s the worst of the doctors since I tend to disagree with Who fans about what makes a good episode good. But yes, this is the worst of the doctors,…

  • Doctor Who Doctor Review: Peter Davison

    Time for another Doctor Who Doctor Review: Peter Davison I’m waiting to watch the last available Patrick Troughton episode before I review him, and still have season 16 of Tom Baker to watch (which I forgot). But, I’ve also moved through the Davison years and am in the midst of Colin Baker now. And boy,…

  • Doctor Who Doctor Review: Jon Pertwee

    I’ve just finished watching all of the Jon Pertwee episodes of Doctor Who. While there are no bad doctors, per se, I find his portrayal to be one of the weaker ones. His bad qualities of being rather patrician, snippy, and generally a bit insulting sometimes outweigh the fact that he’s one of the few…