Category: Reviews

  • Best Photo Songs Ev-Ar

    To listen to the music listed on my

  • Relayer – Yes (album)

    * * * * (4 out of 5 stars) Their Most Concise Album As a reformed Yes fan it’s been many years since I’ve listened to Relayer, but I put on my LP today because I’d always recalled this as one of their best efforts. And, it still holds up. Previous and later Yes albums…

  • Strange Little Girls – Tori Amos (album)

    * * (2 out of 5 stars) The Problem With Tori Amos This album is a very good primer on what is wrong with Tori Amos. First off, it’s a concept album–an idea that has not proven successful for just about anyone (though, I personally think The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway and Quadrophenia are…

  • Shock Treatment: The Original Soundtrack (album)

    * * * * (4 out of 5 stars) Musically Holds Up Better Than Rocky Due to the sheer nature of -why- this album exists it will always be rated against the soundtrack to the Rocky Horror Picture Show. However, it is nearly impossible to separate Rocky the Score from Rocky the Phenomenon. If an…

  • Lizard – King Crimson (album)

    * * * * * (5 out of 5 stars) One Of The Most Idiosyncratic Albums Ever Lizard is a musical anomaly: It’s not rock, it’s not jazz, and it’s not 20th-century. Where the heck do you shelve this? Every other Crimson album is recognizable as rock with jazz and classical influences. But this not…

  • Politics – Sebastien Tellier (album)

    * * * *  (4 out of 5 stars) Uneven, But Very High Highs Sebastien Tellier is not a very consistent musician, unfortunately. But with that inconsistency comes the amazing ability to write some great music. Unfortunately, because he loves to jump through stylistic hoops we end up with what sounds like the Best Of…

  • Another Day On Earth – Brian Eno (album)

    * * (2 out of 5 stars) Another Dull World I’m starting to think that Brian Eno has read all the reviews of his previous music and decided that he can do anything and still be considered vital. Unfortunately, this isn’t so. As a contemplative work, this album fares okay, but no better than some…

  • Star Crash! (film)

    * * * * * (5 out of 5 stars) The Best of the Worst Alright all you Plan 9 fans, pull up your pants, because you have an opportunity to experience the best that bad filmmaking has to offer. What?, you say, how could any movie beat my beloved Ed Wood or Russ Meyers,…

  • Trapped In The Closet – R. Kelly (film)

    * * * * (4 out of 5 stars) Pure Magic R. Kelly, or "Kells", has stated innumerable times that Trapped In The Closet will be something for the ages–something that will be appreciated for "twenty years". Why he puts the limiter of twenty years on it, I can’t possibly fathom, but twenty years it…