"Alliterati" are alliterative jokes. John Watson and I came up with this a number of years ago. Thanks to dad, Geoff Lowrey, Barbara Duke, Eric Schena, and Alex Moffett for helping develop this.

Did you know… So…
John Lennon’s wife can’t tell when her puppy messes on the floor. Oh no! Ono’s nose knows no no-nos!
Can Can can-can well? Well well well, Can can can-can!
Well, that panda bear went upstate and now he’s staging musicals. Sing-Sing’s Hsing-Hsing sings sing-song sing-a-longs.
That ’80s band is having a hard time making music since their girlfriend can’t water her plants? Mister Mister missed her mister?
Have you met… Buster Butz’s Buttress Bistro’s busboy Boutros-Boutros?
The Vietnamese soldiers are radioing that South African bishop trying to get those ballerina dresses delivered. "Thieux to Tutu, Thieux to Tutu, two tu-tus to Tutu."
Santa offers Hawaiian musician a Hostess treat: "Ho ho ho, Ho. Ho-Ho?"
Anglos can freshen their breath with Kosher candies? Brits bite Blitz Mints Blintz Bits.
Competitor claims Dreamworks film features subliminal Gillette ads. Shrek shocks Shick?
Girls try to make sure that author of religious tracks is financially solvent. Chicks check Chick’s checks?
That defensive end for the Carolina Panthers sells a key ingredient for Chicago-style hot dogs at his athletic supply shop? Julius Peppers’ Sports sport sport peppers.
Tom and the Heartbreakers mercilessly mock the similarities of those two grief-stricken gatherings? It’s that petty partly pretty Petty pity party parity parody.
– Mike

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