Hello to anyone that notices this,

I’ve decided to try to be more diligent than I have been with this blog.  That would mean making more than one post per year.  I think I can hit that target, but I shouldn’t rush into anything.

What has kept me away from writing more contrarian articles on this here LiveJournal thing?  I got a job.  And it’s not any job, it’s a perfectly fine job that is moderately fun.  That’s right, it’s an office job.

Rather, it was.  Now it’s turned into boredom because we have all been laid off.  A friend at work has been writing posts about it, but since everyone knows my “mphtower” handle there and his posts could theoretically be used to cancel his severance, I won’t send anyone to it.  But the nutshell story is that our division was not making a profit, so they have moved operations under a new boss.  He lives in a state known for dairy products.  He doesn’t want to move.  Guess where operations are going. 

Ultimately this is going to be a good thing for the majority of people at work.  Through conversations with co-workers looking for new jobs I have come to the realization that people are shockingly underpaid at my company.  Some of the salaries seem to be fair, but a number of folks are grossly under-compensated.  If your company isn’t making a profit then the employees aren’t either.

Outside of that, the Baby Got Back video from last year seems to still be kicking around.  Honestly, I don’t quite understand the appeal of it, but I’m very pleased that others are enjoying it.  Thanks to Entertainment Weekly for naming it the 9th funniest web video of the year.  Thanks also to Salon.com for featuring it on their cover page.  I should also thank, um, that DJ in Seattle whose name I forgot that interviewed me about it.  And if anyone who has posted a comment on YouTube should happen to see this, thanks to you for saying such kind things.

At some point there will be a new video coming out featuring my buddy Skip and a vicious sanitary device.  I think it will be charming and that’s about it.  

Sometimes it’s nice to just be charming.

Yr fthfl bddy,

PS: The spellchecker for LiveJournal doesn’t recognize the word “blog”.

5 thoughts on “Back in the game… sorta.”
  1. Welcome back. Sorry about your job–both the salary part and the pay scale part. The great thing about LJ is that it’s a prime platform for airing grievances, as long as you’re OK with the idea that your next boss’s 14 year old daughter will somehow find it and make sure the boss sees it. The universe does love a good joke.

    Early awaiting the charm of sanitary devices,

    1. Er, wait. The salary part, and the not-having-it-anymore part. Or the lack of, and the pay scale part. There was a solar flare, I got distracted.

  2. Yowsa–so many responses

    Thanks folks for noticing that I’m dinking with this thing again. I’m quite surprised and pleased.

    If you’ve been getting a bunch of e-mails regarding updates to blogs or anything like that, my apologies. I’m doing maintenance right now.

    As far as work goes, it really may be for the best that this has happened, so I’m not very sad. But thanks for the kind words.

    I’m aiming to hit an actual entry once a month, and the first new one is complete. It won’t be released for a week or so, though.

    Thanks again,

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