Below is a Facebook exchange from yesterday that got a li’l silly.

I first posted this:

"I pity the fool who don't maintain a spreadsheet or use a BPM to for requirements tracking" - BA Baracus (Business Analyst Baracus)

Mr. T., certified Business Analyst

Then my friends and I kept this joke going (I’ve shortened their names and removed links to FB where desired):

  • Geoff: “Did you say ‘no whip’ on that mocha?”
    – Bachelor of Arts Baracas
  • MPH: “Please return your tray tables and seatbacks to their original position… suckas! .. Wait, what am I doin’ on a plane?!”
    – British Airways Baracus
  • Geoff: “¡No me gusto aroplanos!”
    – Buenos Aires Baracus
  • MPH: “Quit yo Gigli-Jabber!”
    – Ben Affleck Baracus
  • Geoff: “I pity the fool who doesn’t leave my wool in its signature pattern!”
    – Baaaaaaa Baracus
  • MPH: “I ain’t gettin’ in someone’s stomach as a radiocontrast agent, Hannibal!”
    – Barium Baracus
  • Geoff: “Those sucka probabilities are CONDITIONAL, fool!”
    – Baye’s Algorithm Baracas
  • Scott: “I pity da fool who breaks me up into regionally-based businesses!”
    – Bell Atlantic Baracus
  • MPH: “I pity the suckas below the Mendoza Line. Ted Williams’ .406 in 1941 is on the jazz!”
    – Batting Average Baracus
  • Scott: “Damn it, Hannibal, ain’t you supposed to be riding elephants through the Alps?”
    – Bronze Age Baracus
  • Geoff: “Phone, broadband and cable together for you fools!”
    – Bundled Account Baracus
  • MPH: “This appropriations bill provides $125 million under Defense Health and Military Family Programs for psychological health research for people like that crazy fool Murdoch!”
    – Budget Authority Baracus
  • Geoff: “The longform certificate is faked! Wake up people!”
    – Birther Activist Baracus
  • Skip: “It is completely ironic that I work for this company!”
    – British Airways Baracus
  • Skip: “I pity the fool that won’t be raised up during the second coming.”
    – Born Again Baracus
  • MPH:
    int main ()
    std::array<varchar,4> fools.pitied = { chumps, suckas, thugs, Murdoch };
    std::cout”fools.pitied contains:”;for ( auto it = fools.pitied.begin();
    it != fools.pitied.end(); ++it )
    std::cout’ ‘ *it;
    std::cout ‘\n’;
    return 0;

    – Begin Array Baracus

  • Geoff: “My mother modernized the Philippines”
    – Benigno Aquino Baracas
  • Scott: “I got my first real six-string, bought it at the five-and-dime, played it ’til my fingers bled, it was the summer of ’69, fool!”
    – Bryan Adams Baracus
  • MPH: “<wheeeeez><hack!>PITY!<cough cough>FOOL!”
    – Bronchial Asthma Baracus
  • Geoff: “If we do our job right, they will look natural, just larger. Now sign the fool release!”
    – Breast Augmentation Baracus
  • Skip: “Let’s send that chump a letter!”
    – Bacillus Anthracis Baracus
  • Scott: “Ain’t no fool gonna burn me down like they did in 48 BC!”
    – Bibliotheca Alexandrina Baracus
  • Bryan: “We both pity you fools”
    – Baracus And Baracus
  • Skip: “As you can see on the blueprint, there’s 4 BR”
    -Bathroom Baracus
  • MPH: Variation on Skip’s:
    “Ain’t no sucka gonna shower in me!”
    – 1/2BA Baracus
  • Scott: “Take a damn Pepcid, fool!”
    – Bile Acid Baracus
  • Scott: “I ain’t gonna serve no wine before its time, fool!”
    – Barrel Aged Baracus
  • Geoff: “Stop comparing soda to me. You fools don’t know how I taste!”
    – Battery Acid Baracus
  • MPH: “No, I don’t shave my head this way–it just grows like that, fool!”
    – Bizarre Alopecia Baracus
  • John: Already used, but here goes… “Summa cum Laude, fool!”
    – Bachelor of Arts Baracus
  • Scott: “Of course I lent out that TARP money, fool!”
    – Bank of America Baracus
  • John: “I pity the poor fool drinking Coors Light!”
    – Beer Aficionado Baracus
  • MPH: “There’s Hannibal, Murdoch, uhhh… the pretty one–whatsisname–Face? … um… that girl… uuuhhh….”
    – Beginning Alzheimers Baracus
  • John: “San Mateo Bridge to get to Menlo Park?! You best be taking the Dumbarton, fool!”
    – Bay Area Baracus
  • Scott: “I pity da fool who can’t spin plates on poles or tightrope walk across Niagara Falls!”
    – Balancing Act Baracus
  • John: “I bought 100 shares at $75 and it’s almost $100 now, fool!”
    – The Boeing Company Baracus
  • Bryan: “Don’t go killin’ everybody, you fool.”
    – Bosnia (BA) Baracus
  • MPH: “I ain’t gonna eat no sucka red ants!”
    – Bigoted Aardvark Baracus
  • Bryan: “I pity the fool that shakes a martini because 007 thinks it is cool”
    – Bartenders Association Baracus
  • MPH: “Let it be known, herewith, that it is the intention of this narrator to express my acrimonious feelings toward you, yet recognize they are tempered by forbearance owing to the simple reason that you are a fool.”
    – Bloviating Antagonist Baracus
  • Dave: “Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up”
    – present day Baracus
  • MPH: “I’d do anything to remember the five stages of grief… but I guess I won’t and I’ll have to live with that… fool.”
    – Bargaining Acceptance Baracus
  • Scott: “I pity the fool who thinks inflatable habitats won’t work in space!”
    – Bigelow Aerospace Baracus
  • Bryan [posted on the following day]:
    “I pity the fool who thinks one day is enough!”
    – Back Again Baracus

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